Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Analysis Marketing And Pr Worlds - 760 Words

Marketing and PR worlds are vastly related but somehow still are kept separate. There seems to be an un-crossable DMZ line we just cannot transverse. No matter how many times we group the two into the general â€Å"integrated marketing† void, there is a politically correct animosity between the two; at least in the scholastic circles. The marketing department takes us PR folk for airheads who just don’t have the mind-works for numbers and business crunching. We on the PR team secretly call the other side uncultured brutes (how dare they communicate as they do without considering all the repercussions! UGH!). Marketers are good-for-nothings who throwing vast budgets away on advertisements and promotions with no real savviness. PR fairies have a knack for evaporating on the spot the minute anyone mentions measurement or ROI. Say ‘KPI’ in any PR discussion and you will either be met with looks of confusion or disgust (dependent on how much real world experienc e the person boasts, of course). End of day, we are just as different as cats and dogs, though we refuse to admit that we serve the same purpose. Perhaps it’s time to put these school yard fights aside – we have much to learn from one another.Here is a short reference guide I put together to help us better understand the other side: PUBLIC RELATIONS One of our greatest weaknesses comes from measurement – or lack thereof. We are hard pressed when asked for our financial contribution in the grand scheme of things. How do weShow MoreRelatedThe Roles of Marketing and Public Relations in Modern Organizations1808 Words   |  7 Pagesconcerning the roles of marketing and public relations in modern organisations. 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