Friday, December 27, 2019

Television Language of White Noise Essay - 1736 Words

Television Language of White Noise Television, in our culture, is by far the most dominant medium of communication and stimulation. The fears, the joys, and the horrors of the world are all channeled through television. As seen in the Rodney King police beating videotape, television can incite in a population sheer and utter rage and dark hostility. That same footage; however, can also detract from the very anger it incites. After countless times of viewing the footage, in a never-ending Simulacrum of the same grainy image, the masses became desensitized to its graphic violence. In fact, the repetitive viewing of the footage during the trial led to the desensitization of the jury and the acquittals of the guilty officers. In White†¦show more content†¦Who are they designed for? What is your place in the marketing scheme? Once youre out of school, it is only a matter of time before you experience the vast loneliness and dissatisfaction of consumers who have lost their group identity (qtd. Frow 50). Frow seems a little distressed by this passage, for how bleak is a society if an individual is only important as judged by their perceived value/commodity relationship with television. Frow says, The propositions are monstrous, but only because we find it so hard to believe (426). By falling into the trap of this distrust of television Frow falls into the same trap that Wilders students stumble into: Television is the death throes of human consciousness#8230;Theyre ashamed of their television past (DeLillo 51). Frow does not see what Wilder sees: the beauty of the television medium as a means of escape. In fact, like the students, Frow is embarrassed that a relationship of value between humanity and television could even be established. Frow is astute; however, in noting that DeLillo is not interested primarily in the negative aspects of the television simulacrum, but instead in its importance to the American lifestyle. By saying that when one becomes devalued to television they beco me full of loneliness and dissatisfaction, DeLillo is saying that the reverse must be true. If one is connected to the experience of television one is satisfied andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Theme of Death in White Noise1107 Words   |  5 PagesWhite Noise Death is probably the most feared word in the English language. Its undesired uncertainty threatens society’s desire to believe that life never ends. Don DeLillo’s novel White Noise tells the bizarre story of how Jack Gladney and his family illustrate the postmodern ideas of religion, death, and popular culture. The theme of death’s influence over the character mentality, consumer lifestyle, and media manipulation is used often throughout DeLillo’s story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps, the characterRead More The Infiltration of Popular Culture in DeLillos White Noise714 Words   |  3 PagesThe Infiltration of Popular Culture in DeLillos White Noise In Don DeLillos satirical novel White Noise, we become acquainted with what we might call a postmodern family - a group of people loosely bound together by birth, marriage, and common residence. But as we observe this family, we notice that the bonds between them are strained at best, and that their lives have been taken over by some insidious new force. This force is popular culture. For better or worse, pop culture has infiltratedRead MoreWhite Noise1154 Words   |  5 PagesDeath is probably the most feared word in the English language. Its undesired uncertainty threatens societys desire to believe that life never ends. Don DeLillos novel White Noise tells the bizarre story of how Jack Gladney and his family illustrate the postmodern ideas of religion, death, and popular culture. The theme of deaths influence over the character mentality, consumer lifestyle, and media manipulation is used often throughout DeLillos story. Perhaps, the character most responsiveRead More Death and Dying in DeLillos White Noise Essay779 Words   |  4 PagesDeath and Dying in DeLillos White Noise      Ã‚   Among other things, Don DeLillo seems completely preoccupied with death and the arduous task of living with the knowledge of death in his novel White Noise. Acceptance of our finite, fragile existence over time is certainly not a phenomenon unique to a single civilization or historical era. Rather than discuss the inescapable mortality that connects all humankind with broad, generalized strokes, DeLillo is concerned with the particular (peculiarRead MoreListening Barriers1515 Words   |  7 Pageswhat the teacher was saying but I had a preexisting knowledge of the subject and that knowledge would lead my thought process away from the person talking and into my own mind. The second listening barrier that I was a victim of was the external noise listening barrier. I have always been an avid movie buff and reader. In high school I was the geek that always carried around her own novel with her. I read every chance I could and that was a huge distraction when trying to focu s in class. I eventuallyRead MoreWhite Noise: Meaning of Life705 Words   |  3 Pages White Noise Something always difficult to establish and defend is a subject every human on the planet must cope with; our personalities are constructed by it, our goals depend on it, our understanding is changed through our perception of it and yet nobody can prove its existence on a physical, superficial level. What is the meaning of life? For some it is a spiritual connection – others – physical, even some believe in a psychological or social foundation, but all people have wondered their purposeRead More Themes in White Noise by Don DeLillo Essay2236 Words   |  9 PagesWhite Noise â€Å"The world†¦is crowded, not necessarily with occupants and not at all with memorable experiences, but with happenings; it is a ceaseless flow of seductive trivialities which invoke neither reflection, nor choice but instant participation.† (Oakeshott) The idea of the lacking of realness is one of the major themes carried out throughout the novel White Noise by Don DeLillo, especially through the device of the television. â€Å"For most people there are only two places in the worldRead MoreWhy The Sat Is An Essential Part Of High School Students867 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent individuals taking the test. First introduced in the early 1900s, the primary test takers of the SAT were rich, white males. In the next century test takers have grown tremendously, nearing two million high school seniors (Chandler). With the increase in the number of students taking the SAT, more and more high school students who speak English as a second language are taking the standardized test. 48% of all Hispanic students took the test in 2011, whereas forty years ago, only a fractionRead MoreReading Comprehension Is An Essential Skill For Reasoning And For Functioning Well922 Words   |  4 Pagesearly 1900s, the primary test takers of the SAT were American, rich, white males. In the next century test takers have grown tremendously, nearing two million high school seniors. Students from all races, backgrounds and nationalities take the test now. With the increase in the number of students taking the SAT, more and more high school students who speak English as a second language are taking the standardized test. Forty-eight percent of all HispanicRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of The Novel 1480 Words   |  6 PagesJ.A.K Gladney† (16). DeLillo continues to ridicule society and its principles by exposing absurdity such as Jack not knowing German despite being the founder of Hitler studies and his college requiring all Hitler majors to understand some of the language, â€Å"I had long tried to conceal the fact that I did not know German† (31). The use of irony not only gives the novel a lighter tone, but also exposes DeLillo’s critique of society and acceptance of confusion and chaos. The fragmentation of the novel’s

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Media Of Sexual Advertisements - 1043 Words

We are all familiar with the extent of sexual advertisements today. Advertisements can be overly erotic and push the threshold to being pornography. Carls Jr. is well known for their sexual advertisements that purposely expose a half dressed women eating a giant cheeseburger. There have been several advertisements of this nature throughout the last decade, but this type of sexual campaigning began with Paris Hilton’s ad for the Spicy BBQ Six Dollar Burger. The ad only showed the burger for about three seconds while the remaining twenty-seven seconds was a video of Paris Hilton amorously washing a car in a bathing suit. This advertisement can attract both men and women. Although the majority of women will not be as aroused by the advertisements as men, it will still capture their attention and causes a woman to subconsciously believe â€Å"I will look like her if I eat this burger!† Some denim brands such as Abercrombie and Fitch and Calvin Klein have some of the sexiest advertisements out there. Considering these are meant to be clothing brands, their models certainly do not wear a lot of clothing. A billboard ad in New York for Calvin Klein jeans displayed one woman being dominated by three men. Despite the amount of controversy, Calvin Klein still remains one of the top brands today (Early Sexuality in Advertising). Sexual advertisements have proven to be successful and the proceeding result has lead to a marketing industry dominated by sex. Although sexual advertisementsShow MoreRelatedSexual Repression And Its Effects On Society852 Words   |  4 Pages Advertising is everywhere. Advertisements follow us at every location and manipulate our minds to believe the product is more reliable, trustworthy, irresistible, and even sensual. In recent decades advertisements have progressively become more erotic and have appealed more to our natural desires for relationships than to the need for the product itself. It is not uncommon to see a perfume adv ertisement with a naked woman holding her breasts, a denim commercial with a man and woman making love,Read MoreThe Sexual Objectification Of Women1403 Words   |  6 Pagesin the media, social media, and the internet, there has been a tremendous increase in the sexual objectification of women. In many aspects, digital images play a major role in the sexual objectification of women. The majority of these images consist of advertisements that are posted on the internet, on television, or on various forms of social media. Some argue that men have to deal with the same type of objectification in the media, but it certainly isn’t as severe. Furthermore, the sexual objectificationRead MoreThe Representation Of The Female Body954 Words   |  4 Pagesquestioned a great deal. The representation of the female body in popular advertisement is typically shown to be vulgar, it is known as their identity to look at a certain image for the male population to draw their attention. In the early 1900s, women did not have to be half naked to get attention from the media. They could have got attention by being fully clothed. In the 2000s time has changed and the advertisements have changed. The media portrays the women to be this way, is this really their identityRead MoreWomen Objectification Of Women1524 Words   |  7 Pagesmeaning behind the advertisements that we see in all aspects of media. They should not allow themselves to be objectified in any way, nor accept that this is the way the female gender is portrayed. Violence against females is a worldwide yet still hidden problem. Freedom from the threat of harassment, battering, and sexual assault is a concept that most of us have a hard time imagining because violence is such a deep part of our culture and our lives. We see it everyday in the media and have grown immuneRead MoreFemale Discrimination in the Mass Media1719 Words   |  7 PagesMass media is one the most proficient ways to advertise new or improved products. Catchy jingles, bold font, and abstract pictures are amongst the various ways to grasp the audience’s attention. These characteristics grab the attention of individuals and persuade them to buy whatever it is a company is selling. The key factor is the product may not even be physically seen within the advertisement. For instance, a commercial will not show the actual product until the very end when the companyRead MoreThe Sexuality Of Female Body961 Words   |  4 Pagesforms of published media in the United Sta tes, perpetuating notions of what the sexual female body should look like (Krassas, Blauwkamp and Wesselink 2001). These images of the sexualized female body are deeply embedded in advertisements and media, both of which hold strong roots in the United States, as well as other comparable countries in the developed world (Baker 2005). It is estimated, that the average citizen of the United States is subjected to roughly 3,000 advertisements a day (Baker 2005)Read MoreVisual images Reinforce Traditional Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes948 Words   |  4 PagesVisual images reinforce traditional gender and sexuality stereotypes through the manifestation of the masculine and feminine miens. An examination of print media advertisements highlights the social and cultural ideologies associated with traditional gender roles that are expected and imposed on by society. â€Å"Advertisements are deeply woven into the fabric of Western Culture, drawing on and reinforcing commonly held perceptions and beliefs† of gender and sexuality stereotypes. They have a strongRead MoreScopophilia1473 Words   |  6 Pagesreview. The media has changed significantly over the past decades. Technology has modified our abilities to expand our communication network, and it allows companies to spread their commercials over many different continents. Research done by Roberts (1993) shows that adolescent and children are often very influenced by media that involves sexual or violent conduct. This research is based on media involving children and adolescents, however this does not eliminate the effect media has on adultsRead MoreIn Adulthood, The Sexuality Of Mature Women Is A Central1137 Words   |  5 Pagespassively decorating the advertisement, as opposed to being actively involved with the product or service being advertised. Advertisements featuring physically attractive men and women are much more likely to be used as decorations in advertisements. However, women are four times more likely to be portrayed in decorative roles than men (O’ Barr W. M., 2006). One of advertisers’ favorite advertising tools is sex. When women are in decorative roles, they are shown in sexual and alluring positions. TheyRead MoreUsing Sexual Interest For The Male Audience1266 Words   |  6 Pagesstaggering for advertisements in Sports Illustrated as it uses multiple hook lines to draw it consumers to their product. For Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, the average cost to use a full page in the magazine is 451,800 for national magazine issue according to media kit. This has significance for it uses the money well put into to draw consumers using sexual interest for the male audience. In Sports illustrated newest swimsuit edition, Direct TV takes a poke of making fun of sexual appeal of female

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Qualitative Research Accounting Management -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Qualitative Research Accounting Management? Answer: Introduction JB Hi-Fi can be understood as the leading company that provides their customers with products which are required for carrying out their everyday household activities. The company produces electrical items of daily household use for its customers that consist of television, camera, refrigerator, software and much more. The company also has an altogether separate branch which mainly provides IT related services and also offers consultation to its customers (JB-Hifi, 2016). The presented report has been made by taking into consideration the 2016 annual report of the company. An overall view of the financial report of the company is shown in the article. A thorough introduction of the company followed by the activities of the board is given priority in this report. The corporate governance mechanism is also bought into view by the JB Hi-Fi company report. A deep study of the procedures followed by the company and its working is given the first priority in the report. Ratios of the compan y are used as an evaluation data to highlight and explain the working and the processes followed by the company. Analysis and discussion of JB-Hifi Appliances related to household utility, video games, CDs, Blu-rays, hardware and much more are the specialty of the production unit of the JB Hi-Fi with Australia and New Zealand being their main Dominical areas of work in the retail field. The company also provides consultancy services as another branch along with its major technological services. The company has a massive assistance of sixty home branded stores that helps the company is offering its services to its customers across the whole of Australia and New Zealand. Replacement of insurances, selling of the corporate items along with government and also education-related items with included service providence are some of the other tasks in which the company is involved. The company has its headquarters in Melbourne (JB-Hifi, 2016). JB Hi-Fi is also honored with the title of a rapid and successfully developing company in the whole of Australia. The company also pays attention in continuously increasing the quality of the produ cts to cater to the expectations of the costumes. The company maintained low-cost operation throughout the year that helped it to cater marvelous achievements in the dividend, sales, and the profit department as per the financial report of the year 2016. An increase in the sales of 8.3% and an increase in the net tax profit by 11.5% in comparison to the last year were recorded by the company with $3.95 billion from sales and $152.2 million form net tax profit section. This low-cost operational plan acts as a method to compare, provide and survive in the competition between different companies in the same field (JB-Hifi, 2016). The company through its activities has obtained the faith of its customers which helps it to experiment and expand its characteristics in different departments. Corporate investors always had the upper hand in the investor's department as per the record which proves that its five major investors belong to this category and this brings to light that their percentage of holding is much more significant and more. Involvement of corporate investors means that the company has been and has the capacity to perform continuously and ably (William, 2010). This also shows that the shareholders have much more faith in the company as compared to others in the same field. The proportion of the equity holding of other companies provides enough data to provide an idea of the working procedure of the company (Wagenhofer, 2014). The above data in respect to the matter of equity holding will also be enough to management the evaluation of equity in case of individual shareholders and shareholding by companies (Peirson et. al, 2015). Board of directors overview Name Gender Age Education Remuneration ($) Career history Gary Levin Male B.Com and LLB 1,56,000 In JB Hifi, Gary has been a director and is a member of Remuneration Committee and Audit and Risk Management Committee. Currently, he operates as the Board of Baby Bunting Group Ltd (JB-Hifi, 2016). Beth Laughton Female Bachelor of Economics, FCD, FAICD 1,66,093 Beth spent 25 years in corporate finance wherein she offered advice associated with acquisitions and mergers. Beth was also the non-executive director and chairperson of Sydney Ferries, a non-executive director of Port Adelaide Maritime Corporation, non-executive director, and member of Australian Stock Exchange Audit Committee. Thereafter, in June 2012, Beth became the chairperson of JB Hifi but was later transferred to the position of remuneration committee (JB-Hifi, 2016). Greg Richards Male B. Ec (Hons) 2,90,000 In 2007, Greg was appointed to the Board and thereafter in 2012, he became chairperson. He also worked at Goldman Sachs for 19 years. Presently, he is the chairperson and member of the Risk and Audit Management Committee and Remuneration Committee. Wai Tang Female MBA, BAppSc, and GAICD 1,15,201 In 2015, Wai was appointed to the Board and became the member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee. She pursues extensive experience in the retail industry by serving as senior executive and other roles of the board. She was also the general manager (GM) for Pacific Brands and co-founded Happy Lab Retail Confectionary Concept (JB-Hifi, 2016). Richard Murray Male CA, B.Com, Grad. Dipl. Extensive experience in Finance and Investment 2,750,596 In July 2014, Richard became CEO after being appointed to the board in 2012. In 2003, he joined JB Hifi as a Chief Financial Officer and took the business with the help of IPO processes. However, before he served Deloitte for ten years (JB-Hifi, 2016). Presently, he is the chairperson of Australia Charities Fund Employer Leadership Group. Richard Uechtritz Male 1,30,000 Richard has more than thirty years experience in retail. He is also the co-founder of leading photo chains of Australia like Kodak Express and Rabbit Photo. Thereafter, in 2000, he became the CEO and managing director of JB Hifi. James King Male B.Com, FAICD 52,000 In 2004, James was appointed to the board and thereafter, he retired in 2015. He further served as a chairperson and became the member of Remuneration Committee and Risk Management Committee. Evaluation of the characteristics of Board It is the primary responsibility of the Board to initiate follow up actions so that shareholder value can be maximized. Further, it is no doubt that, the company performance primarily depends upon the Boards functioning that ultimately influences the prices of shares. Therefore, they are surely answerable to the shareholders (Parrino et. al, 2012). Besides, adherence to appropriate corporate governance is also one of the major tasks required to be fulfilled by the Board and for such purpose, the CEO of the company must take effective steps towards enhancing its stability and profitability as a whole. Nevertheless, the major factors taken into account for the fulfillment of desired motives are diversity, experience, skills, knowledge, etc. With the help of these attributes, the company can easily mix the same with different people so that ideas and advanced thoughts can be attained and enhanced, thereby playing a key role in maximizing governance measures and decision-making ability a s a whole (JB-Hifi, 2016). Departments like financial expertise, executive expertise, governance expertise, property experience, merger or acquisition expertise, etc are some of the departments that necessitate skill and enhanced the experience on the part of the company so that it can enhance its productivity and profits as a whole. Furthermore, based on the records framed by the board, it can be witnessed that the company possesses an effective admixture of people who are adequately qualified and experienced in the previously mentioned departments, thereby assisting in enhancing the companys competitive advantage as a whole. Besides, these people can easily assist in efficiently planning the strategies of the company, thereby, in turn, assisting in proper decision-making on the part of the company. Nonetheless, the company possesses a massive number of non-executive directors within its framework and these are higher than the executives are. In the current scenario, JB Hifi has approximately six directors ou t of which one director is an executive (CEO) and the rest of them are non-executive directors. Overall, it is a very good opportunity for the company to undertake major initiatives to provide non-electoral and electoral information to the company shareholders (JB-Hifi, 2016). Further, it must also be noted that there are immense scanning processes and examinations that are conducted by the company prior to presenting a candidate for the purpose of election. Significant financing or investment decisions JB Hifi has made many important financing or investment decisions within its operations that have allowed it to sustain in the marketing. It has invested $52.3 million in the Capital Expenditure Project that is associated with the inauguration of its new stores, modification of the existing stores, online projects, and relocation strategies (JB-Hifi, 2016). These investment decisions can allow the company to maximize its productivity and earnings as a whole. Further, the company has also contributed towards its online projects on a large scale as it can create a better impact as a whole (Northington, 2011). For such purpose, it has also financed major online sites that were prevalent in New Zealand so that its online presence can be of greater effectiveness. JB Hifi has also invested in IT security measures so that it can reduce faulty breach of systems that pose a greater threat of loss. Furthermore, the company has also contributed towards its stores diversified in Australia and Ne w Zealand. For such purpose, it has invested in staff training, supply chain, store wages, etc that can play a key role in affixing a strong position of the company in the entire market. Key ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations Every listed organization must make timely disclosure of important items that can affect decision-making. Remuneration of directors must be sufficient to attract and retain high-quality directors. Every listed company should possess board of an accurate size, composition, and skills. Every listed organization must also disclose their duties and roles together with performance monitoring procedures. Every listed company must undertake ethical and responsible operations. Every listed organization must also respect shareholders rights by providing them required facilities. External function of audit It can be seen that the auditing report of the company has been made taking into consideration the requirements in Corporations Act 2001. This act deals with the auditors independence and it is satisfactory to witness and observe that the information of such Act offered to the company is clearly equivalent to that of the companys annual report. In other words, the company offered all the necessary details regarding the action to the board prior to the enactment and presentation of the annual report (JB-Hifi, 2016). Remuneration of auditors: Audit and review of financial statements 333000 323500 Audit and review of subsidiary financial statements 29800 29000 IT services (i) 58216 511507 Net remuneration for audit and other services 421016 864007 (Source: JB-Hifi, 2016) The major plan of the company was Customer Relationship Management Tool for which Deloitte operated as the auditor for the period 2015-2016. Measures to assure moral judgments JB Hifi has adopted a Code of Conduct within its framework so that it can assure that its environment has the highest level of ethics. In relation to this, every respondent is under a non-delegable duty to comply with the same and in return, the company will always endeavor to safeguard their dignity, freedom, and rights (Petty et. al, 2012). This assures that a safe and sound environment is created that is not only challenging but also rewarding to the employees. Besides, the company also attempts in safeguarding the personal and private information of its subordinates so that a sense of ethical responsibility is effectively maintained (Melville, 2013). In addition, the company has also made sure that its auditors for completing the audit processes adequately adhere to AAS standards (JB-Hifi, 2016). Besides, this plays a key role in enhancing the audit quality as a whole, thereby assuring the fact that the financial details forming part of the annual report are true and fair or do n ot contain any material misstatement (Volcker, 2011) Top Investors Name Equity Percentage Australian Super Pty Ltd. 10,185,705 8.87% Legg Mason Asset Management (Australia) Ltd. 9,383,772 8.17% UniSuper Ltd. 6,847,103 5.96% Ellerston Capital Ltd. 5,985,908 5.21% Airlie Funds Management Pty Ltd. 5,918,853 5.16% Evaluation of ratios This ratio reflects the methods by which the company has utilized its resources to create income. Based on the ratio computation of the company, it can be seen that the equity turnover and asset turnover is accomplished in nature, which signifies that the resources are utilized effectively. Furthermore, this proves to be a strong indicator in terms of both financial capability and productivity on the part of the company (Libby et. al, 2011). Nevertheless, the total asset turnover ratio of the company enhanced in the current year and its asset turnover ratio witnessed a declining pattern. Liquidity ratio Liquidity ratio assists in signifying the ability of a company to meet its short-term debt obligations. If the liquidity ratio of a company is appropriate in nature, it also becomes easier to attain loan and other borrowings from financial accounting institutions. From the liquidity ratio of JB Hifi, it can be seen that it is in a strong liquidity position as its current ratio reports above one and is consistently around the standard ratio of 2:1 (Needles Powers, 2013). This means that the company is effectively capable of honoring its debt obligations with the help of its assets. In contrast to this, the quick ratio of the company had reported a negative trend as it remains below one. This is a negative indicator on the companys part as it signifies liquidity failure when stock or inventory is excluded from the current assets (Choi Meek, 2011). Profitability ratio This ratio signifies the ability of a company to generate income with its assets. Furthermore, from the profitability ratio of JB Hifi, it can be observed that both net profit and gross profit ratios depict a positive trend, as the rate of increment in these ratios is somehow marginal in nature (Libby et. al, 2011). However, even though these ratios are stagnant in nature, yet it must be noted that the company must focus on its operational costs so that an effective percentage of profit can be obtained. Leverage ratio This ratio is the amount, which is funded by equity and debt meaning that both the investors contribution and liabilities form part of the capital structure. In the case of JB Hifi, it can be seen that the equity ratio is below 0.5 that means low investment from the investors in comparison to the debt contribution. In contrast to this, the debt-equity ratio of the company is immensely high that signifies higher component of debt in comparison to the equity (Carmichael Graham, 2012). In simple words, if the debt-equity ratio of a company is higher than one, it signifies enormous reliance on debt contribution that is a negative aspect owing to higher payment of interests. Market value Earnings per share (EPS) play a key role in ascertaining the market value per share of a company. Moreover, companies that incorporate higher future earnings are also required to offer higher dividends or appreciate the stocks in the upcoming tenure (Merchant, 2012). In relation to JB HiFi, it can be seen that its price-earnings ratio has declined in 2016 that is a negative indicator in terms of performance. However, the entire aspect sheds light on the fact that the companys expected price is very effective in comparison to its earnings. This signifies the value of shares of the company that it can attain (Carmichael Graham, 2012). Furthermore, the EPS of the company also reflects that if they offer every dollar of their income to the shareholders, then in total the shareholders will receive 1.51 dollar each. Therefore, considering the overall aspect, it can be said that the companys fundamentals are strong in nature and in the long-run, it can easily outperform others (Scapens, 20 12). Management of cash flow This aspect plays a key role in signifying the net outflow or inflow of cash in a company. Further, in relation to JB HiFi, cash flow margin ratio, and operating cash flow ratio has been calculated to determine its cash flow aspect. The operating cash flow of the company has been below one that means lesser receipts of cash to finance debt obligations in the upcoming tenure (Brigham Daves, 2012). In this regard, it must be noted that a higher operating cash flow is very significant and a positive indicator as well. In contrast to this, the cash flow margin ratio of the company is lower in nature, which is a negative aspect in terms of satisfaction of investors and other external parties. In simple words, when these ratios are higher, performance is also better (Spiceland et. al, 2011) Conclusion As per the overall analysis, it can be commented that the company JB-Hifi is operating under strong fundamentals and in the past two years has posted strong returns. The entire analysis and scenario indicate that JB-Hifi has complied with the policies of the accounting. The board structure is strong and that has led to proper management. Moreover, the compensation system is in flow with the executive activities and hence, is justifiable in nature. The ethical structure of the company is well defined that is and hence, has enabled the company to attain a formidable position. As per the ratio analysis, it can be commented that the company has delivered strong performance in the last two years and that showcase the strong fundamentals of the company. However, some area or the segments can be refined through a strong analysis and effort of the management. Therefore, in all probability JB-Hifi can be selected for the purpose of investment owing to steady performance and strong forecast of the future, References Brigham, E Daves, P 2012, Intermediate Financial Management , USA: Cengage Learning. Carmichael, D.R. Graham, L 2012, Accountants Handbook, Financial Accounting and General Topics, John Wiley Sons. Choi, R.D. Meek, G.K 2011, International accounting, Pearson . JB-Hifi 2016, JB-Hifi Annual report accounts 2016, viewed 8 October 2017 Libby, R., Libby, P. and Short, D 2011,Financial accounting, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Melville, A 2013, International Financial Reporting A Practical Guide, 4th edition, Pearson, Education Limited, UK Merchant, K. A 2012, Making Management Accounting Research More Useful, PacificAccounting Review, vol. 24, no.3, pp. 1-34. Merchant, K. A 2012, Making Management Accounting Research More Useful, Pacific Accounting Review, vol. 24, no.3, pp. 1-34. Needles, B.E. Powers, M 2013, Principles of Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting Series: Cengage Learning. Northington, S 2011, Finance, New York, NY: Ferguson's. Parrino, R, Kidwell, D Bates, T 2012, Fundamentals of corporate finance, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Peirson, G, Brown, R., Easton, S, Howard, P Pinder, S 2015, Business Finance, 12th ed., North Ryde: McGraw-Hill Australia. Petty, J. W, Titman, S., Keown, A. J., Martin, J. D., Burrow, M Nguyen, H., 2012, Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 6th ed., Australia: Pearson Education Australia. Scapens, R.W 2012, Commentary: How important is practice-relevant management accounting research? Qualitative Research in Accounting Management, vol. 9, no.3, pp. 293 295. Spiceland, J, Thomas, W. and Herrmann, D 2011, Financial accounting, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin University Press University Press Volcker, P 2011, Financial Reform: Unfinished Business Law, New York Review of Books. Wagenhofer, A 2014, The role of revenue recognition in performance reporting, Oxford University Press William, L 2010, Practical Financial Management, South-Western College.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Macbeth - Fatal Flaws Essays - Characters In Macbeth,

Macbeth - Fatal Flaws Anyone who is not a god, is not perfect. Everyone has a weakness or a flaw. Some flaws are more deadly than others. Some are addicted to heroin while others are unable to remember where they put their keys. Every major flaw in this story though, comes back to haunt them. The reason why anybody fails in this story is because of their ?flaw?. Not everyone dies though, that is because their flaw is not fatal. Following will be an explanation of how the major flaws of the characters lead to their downfall. Macbeth will be the first one discussed, since he was the main character. The play's problems start when he kills Duncan. This is done because he has a flaw; he is too determined. He doesn't let anything in his way of the goal, to be king, proven here: The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires: The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be 2 which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.(Act I, Scene vii, lines 1-28) If he had not been so determined to be king, then Duncan would never have had to die. Consequently, if Macbeth had not killed Duncan, this story would not have any murders in it at all. Macbeth is driven by greed and violence proven by William Hazlitt: Macbeth himself appears driven along by the violence of his fate like a vessel drifting before a storm: he reels to and fro like a drunken man; he staggers under the weight of his own purposes and the suggestions of others; he stands at bay with his situation; and from the superstitious awe and breathless suspense into which the communications of the Weird Sisters throw him, is hurried on with daring impatience to verify their predictions, and with impious and bloody hand to tear aside the veil which hides the uncertainty of the future. (Hazlitt, pg. 28) 3 Macbeth's fate was more deserving than any others since he killed so many people; Duncan, Banquo, and MacDuff's family. Macbeth never did feel sorry for what he did until his deeds came back to haunt him. If Macbeth would have been patient and had waited, then he probably would have become king and enjoyed it. Lady Macbeth had a very prominent flaw that was her undoing. She was partners with Macbeth in the killing of Duncan. She was willing to convince Macbeth to kill Duncan but she could not do it herself. Proven by Samuel Taylor: Lady Macbeth merely endeavours to reconcile his and her own sinkings of heart by anticipations of the worst and an affected bravado in confronting them. (Taylor, pg. 32) This is the reason she was not as strong as she portrayed. This was why she could not take it and Macbeth could. In the end, it finally got to her so badly that she committed suicide. She could not take the pressure and went insane. Here is an example from the play: Out, damned spot! Out, I say! One: two: why, then ?tis time to do't. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie! A soldier, and afeard? What 4 need we fear who knows it, when none can call our pow'r to accompt? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? (V, i, 34-39) She probably deserved her fate, for she contributed to the bloodshed. Banquo, who at one time was Macbeth's best friend, was killed by Macbeth. Being Macbeth's friend was not his fatal flaw, but it led to it. His fatal flaw was knowing about the murder of Duncan. He could not have done anything about it. If he had told anyone about it, no one would have believed him; and Macbeth still would have killed him. Obviously, if he did what he did (be still), he would have been killed. He really did not deserve this death, he was probably most deserving of staying alive. Duncan, who was King of England, was killed by Macbeth because he stood in the way of the throne. This was not his fatal flaw, but because he was so naive he did not realize that anyone would want to overthrow him as king. For example, he stayed at Macbeth's